Sunday, March 13, 2011

Egypt - Demotivational Posters

Dont' ask why they're called that. They're just called that. Anyway while I was looking at pictures, I felt like trying my hand at a couple of demotivational posters for a laugh, so here they are. Lemme know what you think!

Truth be told, I have no clue about copyright status on the pics I used. They're not my own. If original owners want these removed or credit to be added, please let me know.


  1. Good blog, dude!

  2. They came about by a company called as a response to the ridiculously cliched and overly sweet motivational posters employers use to justify their unreasonable expectations of employees. It's a parody of sorts, I guess.

    There was a piece about this on PBS some years ago, but I can't seem to find it!

    Your posters are nicely done...very catchy. They're beautifully demotivating for the dictators!

  3. Thanks for the explanation, I actually had no clue. Thanks for the friendly comments too!
